SPA. Bubble Jets. PureSpa. Greywood Deluxe. SB-HW20. INTEX.

Power: This product draws a minimum of 13 AMPS. Most household circuits are 13 to 16 AMPS. If the circuit breaker trips, please check that no other appliances or other large loads are on the same circuit as the spa. Never use an extension cord. Unfold the line cord prior to use. Never place the plug on combustible materials.

Water Heating: This heater when properly set up and running will raise the water temperature by 2°C per hour PROVIDED the spa cover is properly in place. Depending on the starting temperature of the Spa water and external air temperature, it will take some time to heat up. If the starting temperature of your tap water is 22°C and you wanted to raise it by 16° C to 38°C, the heating time would be 16°C/2°C per hour = 8 hours. For subsequent use the heating time can be shortened by maintaining an idle temperature in the spa (see HEATING AND WATER TEMPERATURE section). Be sure to keep the cover on the Spa when not in use.

RCD: This product is provided with a RCD located at the end of the power cord. The RCD must be tested before each use. Do NOT use the Spa if the RCD does not function properly. (See owner's manual for proper testing of RCD instructions).

Filter Cartridge: Keep the spa water properly sanitized to extend the life of the cartridge. Refer to the owner's manual for detailed information on spa water chemistry and balance.



• When you unfold the inflatable spa tub you may notice the smell of the material that is normal for a new product out of the box. It is therefore recommended to inflate the product and leave it outdoors for a day to air and allow the new product smell to dissipate somewhat before filling the spa with water.

• Spread the ground cloth with the bubbles facing down over the cleared area where you intend to setup your spa.

• For spa inflation, familiarize yourself with the spring loaded valve on the spa tub and the inflation outlet on the control box unit to assure fast and proper inflation.


Inflation outlet tips:
• The larger end of the inflation hose attaches to the air outlet at the back of the control base unit (see owner's manual for drawings and further details).

• To attach the inflation hose to the air outlet, flip up the control base side cover to reveal the air blower inflation outlet. Pull out the latch to open the cover, insert the hose adaptor with hose and reattach the latch to the hose adaptor to secure it in place.

• When inflation is complete, release the latch, pull out the inflation hose, and secure the latch back onto the outlet.

NOTE: To avoid over-inflation, some air will escape through the bottom air-bubble outlet of the control base during inflation. This is normal.


Spring loaded valve tips:
• Upon removing the valve cap, note the spring loaded pin in the center of the valve. For inflation, the spring loaded pin should be in the up/raised position (closed position of the valve) as the air pressure of the pump will push the air through the valve during inflation. Check the valve pin and assure it is in the up/raised position before starting inflation.

• The pin can be pressed down and locked in the recessed position by pressing and turning it 90° clockwise with your finger - this is the open position of the valve that allows the air to flow out freely and that is used for deflation.

• To properly attach the inflation nozzle of the hose (the smaller end of the hose), push it into the valve and twist it clockwise until it locks with the valve (you may hear a click). To remove the nozzle upon inflation, twist it counterclockwise and pull it out of the valve.

• Once the spa tub is properly inflated, make sure to close the valve cap for the proper airtight seal.



• Filling with heated water: You may use heated water to fill the spa, which will shorten the initial heat-up time. However, make sure not to use water exceeding the normal spa operating temperatures which are not to exceed 40°C. Water over 40°C will turn off the heating unit and is not considered safe. Always check the water temperature in your spa before use and refer to the owner's manual for detailed information on safe use.

• Maintaining idle water temperature: Your PureSpa is like any household appliance or a fixed spa, and for continuous use you may choose to set a certain idle temperature to be maintained in the spa when not in use. This will allow shorter heat-up time for when you decide to use it. For example, maintaining the spa water temperature at 30°C will allow reaching 38°C in approximately 4 hours. Remember, the water temperature increase is approximately 2°C per hour of heating (may vary depending on outside temperature and conditions), so plan your spa use accordingly.
NOTE: The Spa has a safety shut-off feature which will turn off the heating unit after 72 hours of continuous heating if the set temperature is not reached within that period. This may occur in cold external conditions that may prevent the set temperature from being reached. In that case your spa heating unit will shut off and display code "END", requiring pushing the temperature setting button and re-setting the temperature to re-start the heating unit. Try a lower more reachable temperature for the given conditions, which will not require re-starting the heating unit after 72 hours.

• Water temperature during use: When you are using the spa, the water temperature will naturally decrease slightly over time. The expected temperature decrease can be anywhere between 1°C and 2°C per hour depending on external conditions. As long as the heating unit is turned on with a set temperature, it will start heating the water automatically when water temperature drops by 1-2°C from the set temperature.
Example: If your set temperature is 39°C, the heater will not come on until the temperature drops to 37°C. If you should wish to heat it back up sooner, you can simply re-set the heater by turning it off and back on to start heating to your preferred temperature.



• The cover is an important part of your spa as it is crucial for heating up the water and maintaining the temperature when spa is not in use. Furthermore, it is a crucial safety element for prevention of unauthorized access to the spa especially by children.

• Note that the attachment buckles of the cover are locking buckles. Two keys are provided in the plastic bag with the manual and other accessories. Each buckle is marked with "locked" and "unlocked" symbols for easy operation: put the key into the slot on the buckle and turn it to the appropriate position to lock or unlock the buckle respectively.

• To assure safety from unauthorized access, always put the cover on when spa is not in use and lock all buckles. Always keep the keys out of reach of children.

• In case you misplace the keys, you can use any similar size flat screwdriver to lock or unlock the buckles.

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